Welcome to the ANS section at UIUC!

Making nuclear nu"cool"er since 1968.

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At UIUC, we're dedicated to the professional development of our members and the furthering of their overall knowledge of nuclear sciences regarding legislation, community outreach, and engineering.

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Attend your first General Meeting!

Meet the officers and fellow members to get more involved! Check the calendar below or newsletter for the next one.

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Go to this link for instructions on paying dues.

Check out what we're up to!


This calendar is continually updated and contains dates for all confirmed ANS events, deadlines, and more. Interact with the calendar to find details on the location, time, and date of events. If you would like to suggest an event to host or for ANS to participate in, feel free to reach out to us!

For any professional inqueries, contact the Public Relations Chair.


View our Members of the Month and check out available employment opportunities and scholarships below!

Members of the Month
  • April 2024

    Emily Gillmore

    Congratulations to Emily Gillmore for being selected as April's Member of the Month! Emily is a Freshman from Bartlett, Illinois, and is currently interested in either the power or plasma track. Emily decided to go into nuclear because she wanted to do something good for the environment. This year Emily participated heavily in UCRT as secretary for the model reactor.

  • March 2024

    Mia Sawkiw

    Congratulations to Mia Sawkiw for being our March's member of the month! Mia is from Phoenix, Arizona, and is currently interested in pursuing either power or plasma. Mia has been participating in UCRT working on the Fusor project. Mia will also be going to the ANS student conference this year to present on her experience building the Fusor!

  • February 2024

    Owen Strong

    Congratulations to Owen Strong for being February's Member of the Month! Owen is a freshman in NPRE. Owen is currently in the power concentration; he has been interested in nuclear power since he was young. Owen believes that he can make a positive impact on the community through nuclear engineering. This semester, he has all general and outreach meetings. Owen has also been participating heavily with UCRT, working on the model reactor.

  • November 2023

    Arnav Goyal

    Arnav is a freshman in NPRE; he moved to Illinois from Colorado three years ago. Arnav is currently in the plasma and fusion science track; he is interested in nuclear because it is stem-heavy and believes it can help the world. During this semester, he has been attending general and outreach meetings alongside participating in UCRT. In UCRT, he has been working on the model reactor and cloud chamber and is excited about EOH.

  • October 2023

    Adam Rousseau

    Congratulations to Adam Rousseau for being ANS October Member of the Month! Adam is a Freshman in NPRE from Aurora IL and is leaning towards the Plasma concentration. Adam is pursuing a career in NPRE because he thinks that Nuclear is going to be an important tool for a net zero future. He is also interested in plasma and its applications to better the world. In October, Adam attended several meetings and participated a lot in NSW!

  • September 2023

    Jack Gerrity

    Congratulations to Jack Gerrity for being selected as September's Member of the Month! Jack is a freshman in NPRE from Naperville, IL. Jack is currently in the plasma and fusion science concentration with plans to double major in physics. Jack is pursuing a career in nuclear to help develop new methods of producing clean energy to fight climate change. In September, Jack attended two general meetings and several UCRT where he has been working on the Fusor.

Members of the Month

  • Emily Gillmore April 2024
  • Mia Sawkiw March 2024
  • Owen Strong February 2024
  • Arnav Goyal November 2023
  • Adam Rousseau October 2023
  • Jack Gerrity September 2023
Volunteer to help spread nuclear knowledge and participate in much more!


white text... shush, super secret

Useful Links

Presenting the 2024 - 2025 Executive Board

Contact Us

If you are unsure of who to contact, feel free to email with general questions, comments, or concerns.

Riley Trendler - President

Riley is a senior in NPRE with a concentration in Plasma and Fusion. He works at the Center for Plasma Material Interactions on a flowing liquid lithium loop. Over the last two summers, he interned at Oak Ridge National Laboratory working on the Material Plasma eXposure Experiment. In his free time, Riley enjoys climbing things, 3D printing, playing violin, and hanging out with friends.

Piper Fernau - Internal Vice President

Piper is a junior in NPRE with a concentration in Plasma and Fusion. Piper conducts research in the SPEC Lab group with Professor Mohan Sankaran. Her research is focused on PFAS degradation by plasma and electrochemical methods. Outside of ANS, Piper is the Lead Engineering Learning Assistant for the NPRE department, and she enjoys baking, embroidering, and thrifting.

Nick Norman - External Vice President

Nick is a junior in NPRE with a concentration in Plasma. He works at the Center for Plasma Material Interaction doing liquid lithium research under the general fusion group. Nick enjoys hanging out with friends, working out, and gaming in his free time.

Arnav Goyal - Treasurer

Arnav is a sophomore pursuing the Fusion concentration of NPRE. He conducts PMI research on the HIDRA reactor with Dr. Andruczyk. In his free time, Arnav enjoys playing soccer, going on dark site trips, launching rockets, and hanging out with his friends.

Jack Gerrity - Project Development Chair

Jack is a sophomore in NPRE concentrating in Plasma and Fusion Science. He is also majoring in Physics (Nuclear Physics track) and is pursuing a minor in Semiconductor Engineering. He does research at the Center for Plasma-Material Interactions characterizing the interactions of tin ions in an extreme ultraviolet lithography source and works with Argonne National Laboratory calculating temperature profiles for heavy ion irradiations. Besides research, Jack enjoys playing chess, weightlifting, and competing in any and all sports.

Adam Rousseau - Secretary

Adam is a sophomore in NPRE with a concentration in Plasma. Adam is involved with research at the Materials Research Laboratory, working on hexagonal Boron Nitride synthesis using plasma. Adam enjoys cooking, bouldering, and gaming in their free time.

Mia Sawkiw - Outreach

Mia is a sophomore in NPRE from Phoenix, AZ. She will be joining a research group soon. Outside of ANS, Mia is a mentor for Women in Engineering and a member of Women in Nuclear. She enjoys reading, diving, and cooking.

Collin Jeckell - Public Relations

Collin is a junior in NPRE with a concentration in Plasma and Fusion and is pursuing a minor in Semiconductor Engineering. Collin works in the Center for Plasma Material Interactions where he works on the degradation of fluoroelastomers in a plasma environment under Nick Connolly and David Ruzic. In his free time Collin mostly enjoys cooking, spending time with friends, and gaming.

Harrison Brosius - Social Chair

Harrison is a senior in the Plasma and Fusion Science track in NPRE. Harrison has been involved in ANS since freshman year as the Outreach chair and the External Vice President. He has also conducted research for Professor Mohan Sankaran for two years on an atmospheric pressure plasma torch device. In his free time, Harrison enjoys skateboarding, playing guitar, and playing Stardew Valley!